Logistics & supply chain

Taking your customer experience from satisfactory to delightful

Lifting customer experience to new levels

Technology is revolutionizing the logistics industry, taking it to new heights of visibility and efficiency. With the logistics industry projected to be worth over $100 billion by 2030 and the accelerated adoption of e-commerce following COVID-19, investment in automation, AI, big data, and IoT technology is the clear path to the future.

The complexity of supply chain management makes the industry a goldmine of opportunities for businesses to innovate. By leveraging data and automation-driven solutions from beginning to end, companies can now think of the customer experience beyond delivery, with value add-ons like real-time order tracking and post-delivery assembly. This is the real value of investing in the right marketing technology tools and expertise: a customer experience that doesn’t just satisfy, but delights.

That’s where we come in

The logistics and supply chain industry is at a unique inflection point: customer experience is now a top priority, but current systems do little to address this. To thrive, businesses will need to harness technology that prioritizes and integrates customer experience as part of their operations.

This is exactly what we do at Cognizant Netcentric. We leverage the latest Adobe Experience Cloud technologies to design solutions that help businesses thrive in complex industries. As your trusted digital partner, we work with you to create digital solutions that deliver seamless, delightful experiences that your customers deserve.

Our end-to-end offering transforms your brand experiences

  • Enable content at scale to help you manage and deliver personalized content to millions of users across channels and markets.
  • Orchestrate journeys by anticipating user needs in real-time with customer journeys at scale.
  • Harness the power of data with best in class journey insights & data activation architecture and foundations.
  • Bring strategy, architecture, and execution together for lasting competitive advantage with transformation and enabling services

Some of our success cases

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