Solari Astrocraft: your smart companion

Launch into the future of customer experience with GenAI and Adobe

Let's go!

Prepare for lift-off

Experience next-generation personalization, made possible by GenAI and Adobe technology. Introducing Solari Astrocraft, your smart companion.

Transcend outer space and the limits of customer experience with an intuitive interface and blended technologies across GenAI, Adobe’s Experience Platform, AEM Edge Delivery Services, OpenAI/ChatGPT, and more.

Whether you're into futuristic interiors, intergalactic engine power, or a whole galaxy of choices in between, Solari Astrocraft smart companion delivers on the promise of personalization, generating a unique result page for each unique user.

An expert blend of technologies

First launched at Adobe Summit 2024 in Las Vegas, Solari Astrocraft, your smart companion, is unlocking next-generation personalization.

Discover how we’re pushing the boundaries of GenAI and Adobe technology!

Solari Astrocraft smart companion harnesses the power of these technologies and more:

  • AEM Edge Delivery Services
  • Adobe Experience Platform
  • Adobe Journey Optimizer
  • Elastic Search
  • OpenAI ChatGPT
  • AWS OpenSearch serverless DB for Retrieval Augmented Generation

How the Solari Astrocraft smart companion journey works

Solari Astrocraft's smart companion guides users through a next-generation personalization journey, helping them design their dream spaceship.

Users begin by detailing their travel preferences, exploring various spaceship models, and customizing features using user-friendly Focus Pages powered by AI and Adobe's AEM Edge Delivery Services.

These pages provide AI-generated technical content, allowing users to delve into specific aspects of their spaceship.

This AI-collaboration mode with ChatGPT ensures that each user’s result page is based on their established preferences and completely unique.

After inputting their contact details, each profile’s insights are ingested by AEP; users then receive a dynamic email from Journey Optimizer, leading them to the result page showcasing their utterly bespoke spaceship.

Learn how the demo works with this video and then try it yourself!

Try the Solari Astrocraft demo now

Leverage Solari Astrocraft in your industry

Banking and insurance
In the banking and insurance industry, AI-driven configurators represent a key strategy to drive growth, increase customer loyalty, and compete in an increasingly digital and data-driven market. As the industry continues to evolve with the rise of fintech and changing customer expectations, personalized experience tools like Solari Astrocraft showcase the potential of AI to transform the financial services landscape, enabling seamless omnichannel experiences, optimizing product offerings, and leveraging data to deliver targeted marketing and financial advice.
Solari Astrocraft helps manufacturing leaders differentiate their offerings, optimize their operations, and drive growth in an increasingly complex and competitive market. As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, with the rise of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation among other emerging concepts, innovative AI tools such as Solari Astrocraft will be essential in helping companies stay agile.
Life Sciences
For life sciences leaders, AI-driven solutions offer a strategic opportunity to differentiate their brands, accelerate product adoption, and improve patient outcomes. Tools like Solari Astrocraft illustrate the potential of AI to revolutionize patient and provider journeys, from clinical trials and product launches to ongoing treatment and disease management.
Within the healthcare sector, Solari Astrocraft has the potential to revolutionize patient journeys and improve patient outcomes, from diagnosis and treatment to ongoing care management. As healthcare becomes increasingly data-driven and consumer-centric, tools like Solari Astrocraft will be essential in helping organizations harness the power of patient data, optimize care pathways, and deliver more personalized, efficient, and effective care.
Solari Astrocraft also showcases the potential of AI to transform the car buying journey, enabling seamless integration across digital and physical touchpoints, and leveraging data to deliver targeted recommendations and offerings in the automotive industry.
Solari Astrocraft also showcases the potential of AI to transform the retail landscape, enabling seamless omnichannel experiences, optimizing product assortments, and leveraging data to deliver targeted marketing and promotions. As the retail industry continues to evolve with the rise of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer brands, tools like Solari Astrocraft will be crucial in helping companies stay agile, adapt to changing customer expectations, and drive profitable growth.

The sky is no longer the limit. Now, the only limit is your imagination!

Let’s talk about bringing your vision to life.

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