Adobe’s AEM Edge Delivery Services: reimagining content management for marketing teams

Update: This article was updated May 15, 2024 to reflect Adobe’s newest naming of this product to AEM Edge Delivery Services. It was previously known as Project Helix, Project Franklin, AEM Franklin and finally Next-Gen Composability. This has been changed throughout the article to reflect the current naming convention.

AEM Edge Delivery is an innovative new feature within Adobe Experience Manager Sites that takes content editing and implementation cloud-native, making it more seamless and agile than ever while ensuring your websites achieve peak performance.

You may have heard about AEM Edge Delivery Services (EDS) at the annual Adobe Summit in Las Vegas, where the industry’s leading players and global Adobe community came together for the first time since the pandemic. EDS is making waves in the Adobe world and the broader digital marketing landscape with its unique approach in enabling content velocity at scale for marketing teams. This approach translates into faster time to market, reducing demand on your developer resources and tech support, and ultimately greater control over your content and brand experiences.

In this article we’ll tackle the ways in which this new feature of AEM Sites, EDS ensures peak web performance in terms of Core Web Vitals and Google’s Lighthouse Score, as well as how it enables your marketing teams to work smarter and faster than ever before.

If you’re looking for a quick overview on what EDS is, check out our previous article on AEM Edge Delivery Services here.

AEM Edge Delivery Services is built with peak web performance in mind

It’s no secret that web performance has a tangible impact on business performance today. Every 100 milliseconds of reduced loading time translates into improved user experience and conversions. Adobe has discovered that even a 1 second reduction in page load time can increase conversion by up to 6%.

Core Web Vitals, introduced by Google in 2020, have become an industry standard to measure important aspects of web performance like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Among these metrics include the First Contentful Paint (FCP), measuring the time it takes for the first piece of content to appear on a user’s screen, and the Google Lighthouse Score, which represents a website’s overall performance based on several factors, including page speed, accessibility, and SEO.

AEM Edge Delivery Services’s cloud-native infrastructure is designed with peak web performance front and center. It mandates a Google Lighthouse score of 100 on live pages, using a blazing fast caching and edge delivery engine, a mechanism to optimize loading and code execution, and monitoring each code change to maintain performance. In short: EDS is empowering teams to build sites faster with tools they’re already familiar with, and tools built to optimize speed and reliability in your web performance.

Say goodbye to drawn-out content workflows and hello to streamlined web publishing

EDS does away with all this, making the process of creating websites much easier, faster, and collaborative in real-time. Since you no longer need to transfer content to AEM before publishing, AEM Edge Delivery Services dramatically reduces the amount of iterations and back-and-forth required during content creation, making collaboration more seamless and less interdependent. Creating or editing a new webpage is as easy as creating and editing files in Google Drive and Microsoft Sharepoint.

In fact, we used EDS to implement using Google Workspace as the content repository.

“AEM Edge Delivery Services has completely transformed the way we work, our web publishing has never been that fast and easy before. Whenever I spot something on the website that I want to change, I just do it myself in record time, no need to brief content editors. As soon as the change is live, I just tag my content editing colleagues directly in the content repository so the change will also be done in other languages to ensure a consistent user experience throughout.” - Katrin Weissenborn, Commercial Marketing Manager at Cognizant Netcentric.

With Adobe’s AEM Edge Delivery Services marketers create and edit webpages using tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365

While in the past, AEM has given you market-leading tooling to manage website publishing, translations, workflows, and multi-country setups, content operations often involved several processes across different channels. EDS streamlines this even further, letting content creators use preferred tools that are already part of their daily workflow and use them directly as a source for your CMS.

This really does change everything when it comes to content velocity. EDS leverages commonly used tools, already existing in your organization’s workplace ecosystem of tools to build websites and manage content: Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace.

What does this really mean for marketing teams?

Team workflows and collaboration changes drastically with huge benefits.

Marketers know that content comes from everywhere. Now, it comes from the source, the typical place where drafting, collaborating, finalizing and approving gets done.

“As a content marketer, my worklife is working in collaborative documents shared with experts, writers, and content authors. So the evolution to a content repository (or the ‘CMS’ itself) in the same cloud-based platform, with all the features I use every day like comments, approvals and version history - it’s made the workflow to publishing seamless. Which ultimately means our team can bring ideas to life easier and faster than ever.” - Livia Nassius, Marketing & Communications Manager at Cognizant Netcentric.

The barrier to adoption is almost gone

See it in action for yourself

Marketers and brands know that content is the heart of compelling customer experiences - your customers expect to be delighted and for your brand’s experiences to be useful and make their lives simpler. That means brands need to think about not just creating experiences but delivering this content at scale. Although managing an ever-increasing amount of assets across channels and workflows can be a challenge, with Next-Generation Composability it’s just that much simpler, faster and easier for all.

At Cognizant Netcentric, we’re dedicated to helping businesses achieve content at scale. And Adobe’s AEM Edge Delivery Services is changing the game.

So, be the first to adapt and get that edge over competitors. Get in touch with our experts today to learn more about Adobe’s AEM Edge Delivery Services and how your business can capitalize on this paradigm shift.