Customer journey at scale

Stay relevant to your audience by building journeys that meet them where they are and speak to their needs, every step of the way.

How can businesses unify data sources to create a single source of truth to drive customer-centric decisions?

Customer-centricity is the main brand differentiator in today’s landscape. Businesses who are able to understand and anticipate individual needs and tailor their interactions accordingly are the ones earning trust and building relationships over time. To do this at scale, however, is no easy feat.

How can they optimize their marketing tech stack and create customer journeys that can respond to behavioral engagement in real time?

At Cognizant Netcentric, we harness cutting-edge technology to help multinational brands optimize the customer journey at scale for millions, across channels and markets. Learn how we can help you unify online and offline touchpoints into an integrated journey, and leverage automation and machine learning to offer context-relevant offerings to your customers in real-time.

Let your customers’ needs take the lead with customer journeys at scale.

We can help you do all this and more.

Unite and orchestrate customer journeys through a centralized platform

  • Combine individual interactions across channels and touchpoints
  • Increase customer engagement by delivering relevant information and offers at each step
  • Build long-term brand trust by orchestrating journeys tailored to individual needs

Build a robust data foundation to understand and protect your customers

  • Unify data from multiple systems to identify, understand, and engage with customers in accordance with the right data usage policies
  • Create a holistic understanding of your customers with a customer data platform
  • Sharpen your analytics by breaking down silos between data sources and channels
  • Deliver highly personal and consistent experiences on the fly with event-driven communications

Leverage automation and predictive analytics to improve journeys over time

  • Identify patterns and act proactively by leveraging predictive analytics
  • Automatically re-segment audiences and trigger communications based on 360-degree customer views
  • Deliver the next best experience with machine learning capabilities

Achieve customer experience excellence

Cognizant Netcentric is the end-to-end digital partner that transforms brand experiences into next generation customer engagement by leveraging the Adobe Experience Cloud.

Ready to build customer-centric journeys at scale?

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