The Key to CX in 2022: Expert Talk with Piotr Zabiello

Our latest Expert Talk is with Netcentric’s Head of Consulting, Piotr Zabiello on how brands can prepare to deliver the kind of customer experiences consumers expect in 2022.

Of course, the key challenges facing brands have changed significantly over the course of the past couple years, perhaps more than ever before. Last year, we saw brands shift gears: They utilized data and prioritized organizational agility in response to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

In 2021, however, brands have pivoted to accelerating aspects of their digital transformation projects and have also made significant investments in marketing technologies.

Today, their main concern should be how they can meaningfully differentiate themselves from their competitors. This also involves understanding how they can keep up with disruptive trends and greenfield competitors, as well as learning which competitors are more agile and have a competitive advantage upon entering the market.

Delivering compelling customer experiences to drive business growth

“Brands and marketers no longer have the luxury of setting up campaigns manually themselves, incorporating numerous channels, touchpoints, and customer interactions”

Real-time decisioning, and the real-time use of data is necessary to ensure that customer experiences are relevant and context-oriented. And the right technology—including machine learning, AI, and real-time decisioning engines—is needed to drive these processes forward.

Simply put, in order to drive business growth, customer experiences must be valuable, and this depends on them being relevant, delivered in context, and delivered in real-time.

An example mentioned in the video, is a greenfield disruptor in the very traditional automotive market, Tesla. Tesla has done a magnificent job of completely differentiating the customer experience of owning a Tesla vehicle from any other brand. They’ve been able to deliver customer value and experience, as well as scale across all customer touchpoints. By doing so, they set the industry customer experience benchmark high and other automotive brands have struggled to adapt quickly enough.

The key takeaways for brands

In order to emulate this type of success and deliver compelling customer experiences, brands must:

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