Netcentric Summit 2021-02: United in Purpose

Netcentric Summits are about connecting, learning, and sharing. With our teams working from different parts of the globe, we deeply value the opportunity to bring our community together and collectively learn and inspire each other.

This year, we opened our doors to our clients and partners to attend sessions, games, and workshops freely, bringing together 645 attendees across cultures, industries, and countries. At the center of this virtual Summit was the diversity and dynamism of the Netcentric community. That’s what makes this event so special - we organize and run it for each other and our broader community as a whole.

Sponsored by Adobe this year, the theme of our Summit was purpose. Gerhard Gerner, CEO of Netcentric, reiterated our continued commitment to empowering brands and bringing our clients’ digital visions to life by leveraging the power of the Adobe Experience Cloud. The foundation of that, he explained, was Netcentric’s commitment to creating an environment that provides employees the freedom and support to pursue their own purpose, too.

Our Netcentric employees delivered over 30 talks about topics that are important for them and for all of us as an organization. In these breakout sessions, we heard from Netcentric experts on subjects that ranged from cutting edge marketing technology, to leadership and soft skills, to UX design and data layer implementations. There was something insightful for everyone.

Not just that, the Summit was about reconnecting with our colleagues and friends, but also with ourselves. We have to give a special shout-out to the 70 teams that participated in our Netcentric Summit game! The competitive spirit made us all laugh and smile. And finally, over 65 attendees joined Netcentric’s Meditation Lab, led by our very own Franziska Teucher for a special group smiling meditation session.\\_45BkCeyVU4?showinfo=0

Purpose in technology

We welcomed guest speakers who further explored the theme of purpose in the context of working in technology.

Mark Leruste, Chief Purpose Officer at the Ministry of Purpose, explored the power of purpose in our lives and careers, shedding light on his personal experiences, further highlighting the interplay of our personal and professional worlds. One of his most powerful messages was that a company’s core values profoundly impact how employees feel at work, which, in turn, determines a company’s success. While each individual’s purpose is unique, we are united alongside one another in that journey.

Monique Morrow, President and Co-founder of the Humanized Internet, led a thought-provoking keynote on ethics in technology. Opening up new perspectives on how to think about security and privacy, she discussed how technology could be misused and the many repercussions of living in a hyperconnected world. Her keynote was an eye-opening call to the world, especially those in the tech industry, to consider our collective responsibility in these issues. By examining our decisions and owning our agency to speak up against potential abuse, we can build communities that are protected and make a positive impact on the world.

Looking ahead to the future

This year, we saw several sessions shedding light on the future of marketing technology, even diving deep into cloud technology. In the fireside chat between Netcentric’s Head of Consulting, Piotr Zabiello, and Adobe’s Senior Director of Engineering, Alexander Saar, they discussed the future of cloud engineering, Adobe’s Cloud Services, and Adobe Experience Manager. We also learned from the AEM Platform Lead at Ford Motor Company, Steve Pegg, whose keynote detailed his experience maximizing a European (global) DevSecOps CI-CD rollout.

With the increasingly complex marketing technology landscape, opportunities like the Summit are vital to share and align on what’s next. In their session, the innovative Netcentric CTO Group discussed new marketing technologies and digital innovations on the horizon. This group of experts helps us stay ahead of the curve and offer a direction for the future.

An opportunity to connect

At Netcentric, collective learning and inspiration are an integral part of our culture. Our biannual virtual Summits are cherished opportunities to come together as a community. They’re where we explore all kinds of topics in personal and professional growth. The Netcentric Summit 2021 edition has left us feeling inspired, energized, and united in purpose.