Achieve your digital goals anytime, anywhere, with Virtual Squads

As face-to-face interactions are discouraged and work-from-home culture is embraced, the need to shift to digital-first operations has been accelerated significantly. Now, enterprises have to ensure they have robust strategies in place and are equipped with scalable digital solutions to not only survive but grow in the new environment through digital offerings and operations. To achieve this goal, Virtual Squads are key.

Optimizing your digital landscape alongside Virtual Squads

Virtual Squads are fully distributed, agile and remote operative teams, ready to implement and operate your CX solution, such as Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC), today. Together, Virtual Squads are redefining productivity, collaboration and communication across distributed workspaces to continue delivering AEC solutions anywhere, at all times.

Virtual Squads can help you realize your digital goals today by:

Leveraging the latest tools — With 72% of internet users worldwide saying disconnected experiences would make them change service providers or brands, meeting the ever-changing demands of today’s customers is one of the greatest challenges brands face. Our distributed Virtual Squads are ready to deliver the right solution that enables your brand to continuously deliver the best customer-centric experience across all touchpoints. Their expertise will enable you to unlock the full potential of AEC, Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), Adobe Analytics and the full Adobe tool suite for your business, ensuring engaging and personalized experiences that satisfy your customers and support your business goals.

Operating your platforms - With increasing digitization comes increasing complexity so companies need to ensure they are leveraging solutions to their full potential in order to boost value to customers and stakeholders. Platform performance is at the center of every positive customer experience. Thus, by relying on operations support from Virtual Squads, businesses can ensure they get the best return on their solution investment while delivering exceptional CX. What’s more, by entrusting the operation and configuration of platform infrastructure and technology stacks to an experienced Virtual Squad, companies can reduce the pressure on overstretched internal teams.

Ensuring first-class digital solution delivery

While the current environment is pushing more businesses to adopt remote-friendly operations now, Netcentric’s Virtual Squads have been delivering future-proof CX solutions and enabling leading brands to optimize their digital processes for years. By operating a Squad model that prioritizes Community, Communication and Engagement, they never lose momentum. This allows them to continuously deliver industry-focused, integrated solutions and operations support to enterprises anywhere in the world.

The key to successful remote teams is to ensure every member remains connected, engaged, and fulfilled at all times. As a healthy office culture is crucial to team productivity, at Netcentric we ensure virtual communities experience a vibrant culture that keeps teams engaged and connected beyond their own immediate teams.

What’s more, Virtual Squads improve on traditional methods of working together by ensuring processes are streamlined and every conversation is as productive as possible. Our culture of continuous and clear communication is built-in, with regular virtual meetings and global guidelines aligning team members on all meetings and project communications. For Virtual Squads, goals are always in focus, from professional development objectives to project-specific KPIs. This drives engagement and encourages community involvement and contribution.

By following our proven Squad model at all times, Netcentric’s Virtual Squads have enabled full digital optimization — through expert Adobe Experience Cloud solution implementation and operational support — for leading brands around the world.

Activate your Virtual Squad today by getting in touch with our experts.